President David Smith’s 2021 Holiday Message

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It was the best of times, it was the worst of times…
-Charles Dickens, Tale of Two Cities
Again, it's been a unique and long year for everyone, so I felt this quote was applicable. It’s been used so often, by so many people, at different times over the last few centuries. Right now we are living through a pandemic that has created an altered financial, professional and personal outlook for all of us. It may feel difficult to be hopeful. How do we reflect on these times and be grateful and optimistic for what the new year will bring?
Well, I will turn to another great work of Dickens called, A Christmas Carol. At the time of writing the Christmas Carol, Charles Dickens was in financial distress after several flops including theater and novels. He wrote A Christmas Carol in 6 weeks to ensure his family’s financial success.
A Christmas Carol, became an instant hit reminding all of us that a joyful Christmas morning does not require money, or wealth but heart, love and family only. At the same time it established the concept of Christmas charity towards those less fortunate, Dickens said, “Christmas should be the one time that people open up their shuttered hearts.”
At Bromwich+Smith we welcome clients from all walks of life, races and genders. The one thing we know to be true is that when they find a solution to their debt challenges they feel an incredible sense of relief. We know that debt can impact anyone at any time. Whether it is through divorce, illness, or unemployment the past two years have certainly increased debt for a lot of our fellow Canadians.
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As we continue to enhance our organization through technology we also provide ongoing outreach programs to the community. This is done through education workshops to vulnerable Canadians, while educating professionals in the community on insolvency legislation and how Bromwich+Smith can support both them and their employees.
We remain steadfast with our goal of helping individual Canadians restructure their debts through a Consumer Proposal or Bankruptcy so that they can rebuild their worth. Whatever this pandemic and surrounding circumstances have brought, we have been successful in supporting Canadians in their time of financial strife. I want to thank all of you for making this possible.
Although this may feel like the best and worst of times, there is hope on the horizon with a new year upon us in 2022. I would like to leave you with a quote that makes a difference for me: “I will honour Christmas in my heart, and try to keep it all the year. I will live in the Past, the Present, and the Future.”
- Ebenezer Scrooge, ‘A Christmas Carol’.
Looking forward to a wonderful 2022, with confidence that we are headed into a brighter future.
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