How to Keep Easter Spending on a Budget: Tips for Canadians

Easter on a budget

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By Bromwich+Smith Staff |1014 words | Reading Time:5 minutes and 4 seconds | Date: 2023/04/06

With the cost of everything increasing these days its no surprise that Canadians are expecting to spend more on Easter costs this year. Recent studies are showing that more than 50% of Canadians are expecting to spend $50 per person which is a modest 3%increase from last year. There are ways to keep spending down, and keep the magic of the Easter bunny alive for your family.

Setting a Realistic Easter Budget:

  1. Start with your budget. As the date is drawing closer you will have less time to save for extra spending. This is a time where your year round savings and planning comes in handy. If you have found that you have not been able to put as much aside as you had hoped, that’s ok. Understand you have a modest amount to work with is nothing to be worried about.
  2. The big meal. Many families gather for a large meal around Easter, maybe you are attending or maybe you are the one who is hosting. With either option there will be costs associated. If you are hosting, ask others to bring side dishes, desserts, drinks, paper plates- anything that will help you cut the costs. Most people will recognize the price commitment to a large family gathering and will be happy to bring an item. You could always phrase it with praise- “ I couldn’t imagine dinner without your famous apple pie”, or “ my kids have been dreaming about the spinach dip you made at your house at Christmas, do you think you could bring a batch’’? Who can so no to flattery? If you are not hosting, consider calling the host and offer to bring something even if it’s a small offer. It could be as simple as offering to bring extra chairs, paper plates, gravy boats etc.
  3. The egg hunt. Kids love finding those hidden gems, and the surprise of not knowing what they will find. Adults understand that those added trinkets can add up, especially is you are hosting a house full of kids. If you have family or friends coming over, ask for their help to bring over a dozen decorated or filled eggs to hide. You may be surprised to know, that you do not have to overfill the eggs with treats for kids to be excited to find them. Stickers, coins, small candies are always appreciated.
  4. Shop Wisely. The Easter bunny is on a budget this year too, and he has no shame in shopping flyer deals, or making a stop at the local dollar store. Don’t feel like you need to spend more money on the Easter themed jelly beans, when the every day package in the regular candy aisle is on sale.
  5. Its not all about the candy. You know your kids, and each family has their own traditions when it comes to Easter. Remember that just because you’ve always gone over the top doesn’t mean you need to continue the trend- especially if its going to affect your bank account this year. Think of what your children will appreciate, if they still have a pile of Halloween or Christmas candy taking up space in their room then maybe the Easter bunny can bring something else. Movie tickets, small gift cards, or toys might be appreciated more.
  6. Prepare for next year. Once Easter items start hitting the sale shelf consider stocking up on some items for next year. This could include baskets, Egg decorating kits, décor, or small trinkets for plastic Easter eggs. Try to consider your kids ages and what stage they may be in next year before committing to the added expense now.

Consider turning this holiday into a teachable moment for your little bunnies. Yes, treats are fabulous but that sugar crash is inevitable, so why not mix it up with a few financial friendly alternatives? Walk through the Easter section, and comment on the prices of what they see. Speaking to your school aged children and put a value on that price tag. Explaining what minimum wage is in your area, and how many hours would need to be worked to pay for that one item. Placing a value on those extra items will add much needed gratitude  when they receive items. Some children and families love to decorate for Easter and while all of those decorations from the store seem like a must have, there are fun alternatives that you can make at home. Some families make a DIY stained glass window with a mixture of flour, water and food dye, with painters tape outlined on the window. Explore Pinterest- We know, twist your arm! You may find some new ideas, with affordable price points!

Don’t forget to Recycle when you can to save yourself some money down the line. This could be saving Easter baskets for reusing next year, reusing plastic eggs for your scavenger hunt, or house décor including centrepieces.

We understand that the holidays are a time for people to connect and share, and we feel the need to express our gratitude for time with loved ones. Sometimes, this is expressed through gifts, and we need to ensure we are not hurting our financial situation just to satisfy loved ones. It is ok to take a step back from spending, and focus our appreciation and affection through thoughtful cards, time spent with loved ones and value each others company. Debt is an unnecessary side affect from many holiday gatherings, don’t use Easter as an reason to put a strain on your finances. We understand that life and the current market are already overwhelming for many Canadians. If you find yourself stressing about how to make sure the Easter bunny can visit your house this year, don’t be embarrassed to reach out for help.

Bromwich+Smith  has a number of debt relief programs that can help you regain control of your finances and get your life back on track. Reach out today for a free, confidential, no obligation consultation today and ensure your tomorrow is set up for success. Bromwich+Smith’s Debt Relief Specialists are available by phone at 1-855-884-9243 to answer any questions you may have.

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