Debt Real Talk Fall 2022 Recap

Debt Real Talk Fall 2022 Recap

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By Bromwich+Smith Staff | 570 words | Reading Time: 2 minutes and 32 seconds | Date: 2022/12/23

While it’s almost a wrap on 2022, it is NOT a wrap on open, honest conversations about money, debt and everything in between. For the past year and a half, we’ve been joined by numerous financial experts who have graced us with their time and expertise, to engage in meaningful conversations with the aim of creating a safe space on Instagram AND in real life. Because let’s face it, of all the things we talk about in day-to-day life, debt and money are not at the top of the list.

But they should be! Money impacts all aspects of our lives and not talking about it disempowers us from getting the information necessary to make good financial decisions. Good financial decisions that can lead to saving money, getting out of debt, achieving financial goals, and setting ourselves and our loved ones up for long term success.

We look forward to keeping the conversation going in 2023 with our Debt Real Talk Live series on Instagram. In the meantime, we give you a peak at the highlights from this fall’s conversations below.

Talk money with your kids NOW

When is it a good time to talk about money with your kids? As soon as possible! In this conversation, Liz from Ambitious Parenting (@ambitiousparenting) shared all things money and parenting. From setting up your child’s RESP, to teaching entrepreneurship at a young age, Liz gave us great actionable steps to set your children up for success. And hey, adults can also learn a thing or two about practicing delayed gratification when it comes to making purchases.

Achieving the Canadian dream

Visionary and changemaker Bukky Wonda (@shirahmigration) has helped thousands of immigrants achieve the Canadian dream. As an international student turned immigrant business professional, Bukky knows what it takes to help immigrants thrive and she is a strong advocate for them and their journeys. In her discussion with us, Bukky shared how to overcome some of the challenges new immigrants and small business owners may face.

Improve your intimate relationship with money

Pay off debt, change your life. For thousands of people, award-winning and best-selling author Erin Skye Kelly (@erinskyekelly) has helped them do both, through her Get the Hell Out of Debt online course and now book. Erin joined us for a chat during Financial Literacy Month and shared how we can all do one small thing consistently over time to improve our intimate relationships with money.

Click to Book A Free Consultation

Thank you for joining us this past year and a huge thank you to the wonderful experts who have joined us! For a recap on previous conversations, view this blog post. Be sure to check in every month in 2023 as we introduce a new guest to share their insights on financial wellness. Follow us on Instagram @bromwichandsmith. If you’d like more information on debt relief solutions to help you regain control of your finances and get your life back on track, reach out for a free, confidential, no obligation consultation. Bromwich+Smith’s Debt Relief Specialists are available by phone at 1.855.884.9243 or request a call back at our contact us page.

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