Budget-Friendly Tips for Showers: Weddings, Babies, Engagements

Navigating Wedding Showers, Baby Showers, and Engagement Showers

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The season of showers…. We are not talking about seasonal rain showers, but special event showers. Wedding showers, baby showers, and engagement showers are joyous occasions that allow us time to celebrate special moments with loved ones. However, planning these events and sometimes even attending them can sometimes be financially overwhelming. The good news is that you don't have to break the bank to be involved in a memorable time. Lets look at ways you can ensure that this wonderful celebration wont be a strain on your finances. 

Hosting on a Budget: 

Budget, its one of our favourite words again. Before diving into the planning process, establish a realistic budget for the shower. Consider your financial situation and allocate funds accordingly. Know how many people you are hosting, where the event will take place, if others are participating in the costs, and what the expectations are from you.  

Start planning as early as you can to take advantage of sales, discounts, and seasonal deals. Hosting at your house, or at a local park may help reduce costs with space rentals and décor.  

Utilize technology for beautiful digital invites. Websites often offer free templates, or hire a digital specialist online at a reduced price to custom make invites at a fraction of the cost printed cards would be.  

Create decorations without breaking the bank by embracing your inner DIY queen- or king. Use inexpensive materials such as tissue paper, ribbons, balloons, and fresh flowers to bring color and head online for inspiration.  

Food can be a major expense when it comes to hosting, consider asking guests- or select guest ie bridesmaids, to bring a dish to share. Other price reduced items include appetizers vs a sit down meal, or hosting during non typical meal times when people will not be as hungry. Often a dessert is seen as a centre piece at showers, so make it one. If you are a baker at heart, it’s a great way to showcase your talents and joy for baking. 

Entertainment doesn't have to be expensive. Set up a DIY photo booth, and encourage guests to come up with a fun hashtag to share the photos online. Classic games may get an eye roll from a guest or two but are a way to involve lots of people at a low price. Who doesn’t love a toilet paper dress, or guess the baby picture game? 

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Attending on a budget: 

If you are joining as a guest and not the host- lucky you! Consider messaging the host and asking if there is anything they need. Theres a chance they are working on a budget, and the offer of any help may be greatly appreciated!  

We know that these events typically come in groups, first theres an engagement party, then a few months later a bridal shower, then a brides night out event… and at every one you are expected to bring a gift. For anyone working on a budget, these events can pop up out of nowhere and they may be out of budget. Remember that it is ok to pass on attending. Sometimes the out of town events can cost thousands of dollars, and the intention is not to guilt anyone into spending money they don’t have. Pick and choose the events that work for you and your bank account! When shopping for gifts, keep in mind the person receiving the gift. If you are close to them, personalized gifts can mean the most. Check your old family photos for inspiration!  

What to wear? When budgeting keep in mind any events or parties you may have coming up. You do not need to purchase a new outfit for every single one- but when you have several weddings to attend within a small time period, with the same group of people it can be uncomfortable to show up in the same outfit. Opt for classic pieces that can be reused for different events. A classic black dress will get you far! Spend some money on classic items that can be repurposed, and consider thrift stores, or cheaper fashion items for accessories, a blazer, a wrap, a bright shoe etc.  

Planning for, or attending a wedding shower, baby shower, or engagement shower on a budget doesn't mean compromising on the celebration. By setting a realistic budget, planning ahead, embracing DIY projects, and utilizing cost-effective alternatives, you can be part of a memorable and joyful event without breaking the bank.  

If your budget needs a little support and debt advice to manage overwhelming debt, call our Debt Relief Specialist team at 1.855.884.9243 . You can also request a call back at our contact us page. We’re working with you to rebuild your worth.  

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