5 ways to save money this Halloween in 2023

5 ways to save money 2023 Halloween

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By Bromwich+Smith Staff | 814 words | Reading Time: 4 minutes | Last Update: 2023/10/12

Halloween has the potential to spook our finances. From frequent visits to the party store in search of the most find costumes, to sourcing a stockpile of Halloween candy for neighbourhood kids, and creating scary and unique Halloween displays, it seems like we've strayed far from the simplicity of our childhood. Remember the joy of crafting our own costumes, adorning our homes with homemade decorations, carving pumpkins, and then roasting pumpkinseeds? By resurrecting some of these cherished traditions, we can dismiss the financial fright that lingers long after October 31st. 

1.Bring out your crafty side  

Hours in Pinterest, and Youtube DIY pages will pay off this year! There is no need to stock up on pricey décor or costumes, when you and the kids will can have a bast from the past repurposing some household items. That ripped bed sheet you’ve been meaning to throw out for ages would make the perfect ghost. The stack of online shopping boxes could turn your front yard into a graveyard, and leftover glowsticks and flashlights from summer camping can be repurposed inside pumpkins to set a glowing pathway to your front door. 
If you think back on your most memorable Halloween costumes, its likely the ones you remember are the ones made with love and not the ones purchased from a fancy and expensive store! This may take a little more effort and thought, but your kids will remember it for years to come. You can stay on trend and on budget with some early planning.  

2. You’ve heard count your pennies… have you heard of counting your candy 

Having a Halloween candy budget is one you may not plan for really need to. Does your neighbourhood max out at 20 kids or are there 150+ little ones knocking on your door each year? Knowing how many kids you need to plan for may determine what sweet treats you hand out. If you have a large number of trick or treaters, you may not be able to be the full-sized chocolate bar house- that’s ok! Do not go into debt for Halloween candy. Keep an eye out of Grocery store flyers, or consider using points towards the purchase. Other well loved items are non traditional items like cans of pop, glow sticks, stickers and little toys. Head to your dollarstore, stock up an a few non candy items to buffer your budget and give your trick or treaters an option this year!  

3. Plan for the month- not the day 

Halloween can be fun throughout the month, not just Halloween night. Check out your local community groups for free Halloween activities, which will include decorating events, corn mazes, or even a haunted house! Depending on where you live, October can be a cold month, what better way to warm up, than to tell some spooky stories around a backyard fire and toast up some s’mores while wrapped up in a blanket. If you are lucky enough to live near an orchard, fall is a wonderful time where the fruit is ripe and a great price!  If you participate in these activities early enough, you can Tthink ahead and plan  thanksgiving dessert by making apple pies or pumpkin pies. 

4. Halloween Party on a dime  

Halloween is always fun, and allows for friends of all ages to celebrate being together. With the rise of grocery costs, you may need to do some research and flyer shopping to stock up before your guests arrive. Look for items in season to lower the cost. You may consider hosting a potluck as spreading out the cost of food to your guests will help clear the cob webs from your wallet. 
Ask your kids what they are wanting to do this year and plan around that. Perhaps your kids are at the point where trick or treating is no longer cool, without having the conversations first you will never know what their expectations are this spooky season. Be hosting a kids party, you are keeping the kids out of trouble, safe in the house.  

5. Shop the unexpected 

Nothing is scarier than going over budget, so be resourceful this year. Shop at non traditional stores to find the items you are looking for. Dollarstores and thrift stores will be ones to visit early as those items may not last long! Often grocery stores or pharmacies will lower cany prices as Halloween draws near, offering store points for bulk purchases. Facebook Marketplace can be a great resource for used décor or costume ideas. Thinking outside the traditional Halloween store might help save some money.  

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 However you celebrate, we wish you a Happy Halloween!  

No matter how spooky your finances feel, Bromwich+Smith has a number of debt relief strategies to help you regain control of your finances and get your life back on track. Reach out today for a free, confidential, no obligation consultation. Bromwich+Smith's Debt Relief Specialists are available by phone at 1.855.884.9243 or request a call back at contact us page. We want to see you flourish! 



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