You're not alone.

You're not alone.

Reduce your debt up to 85%*. No more interest. No more collector calls.  

All unsecured debt (including taxes), no more interest, no more collector calls, keep your assets, no hidden fees.

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Serving All Regions of BC: Your Free Consultation and All Services Available Virtually. No Need to Come To A Local Office.

Start Fresh. Debt Free.  

+ How does it work? At Bromwich+Smith we offer a powerful debt relief solution called a Consumer Proposal, which usually reduces debt to only a percentage of original amount owed. The rest is forgiven. 


Eliminating debt shouldn't cost you more money! Only a Licensed Insolvency Trustee like Bromwich+Smith has the legal authority to administer a Consumer Proposal for you. In fact, if an online or offline debt relief service offers a Consumer Proposal, ask if they are Licensed Insolvency Trustees. If they are not, they will by law be required to engage an external Trustee, which could add their unnecessary fees to the process. 

Legally binding on all creditors, including CRA Taxes, Credit Cards, Payday Loans, Bills and all other unsecured debt.

Up to 5 years to pay, interest free! Get off the interest treadmill. There are absolutely no interest charges with a Consumer Proposal, and a Proposal can be paid over 5 years, with all debt combined into a single monthly payment.

Immediately stops all creditor calls and actions. All creditor collections and legal actions must stop. No more bothersome calls or stressful letters. If wages are being garnisheed, this too is stopped.

Does not involve your assets. Your home, car and other possessions are not touched by a Consumer Proposal.

No Hidden Fees. We are paid out of the settlement to your creditors. 

Free Consultation. Never A Cost. No Obligation.

Scroll Down To Get Started.

Unbiased | Nonjudgmental | Confidential

At Bromwich+Smith, we understand the stress that debt can have on all aspects of your life.. We're here to assist you with unbiased and nonjudgmental help, finding the right solution that will eliminate your debt and get you back on track to rebuilding your worth today. You can rest assured, no matter how complicated your financial situation may seem, there are always options to explore.

Ask Us Your Questions | Book Your Free Consultation

Your FREE CONSULTATION can take place on the phone from the comfort of your home.

Please Fill in the Form Below or Call 1-855-884-9243

(One number to talk to the Local office nearest you. Toll Free).

Reason(s) You Are Seeking Debt Relief
Please select all that apply
Are You Experiencing Any Of The Following?
Please select all that apply
Have You Filed A Consumer Proposal or Bankruptcy In The Past?
Are You Trying to Reduce Any of the Following Debt Types?
Please select all that apply
Optional - Providing this information helps us determine the best debt relief program for your specific situation.
Optional - Providing this information helps us determine the best debt relief program for your specific situation.
Do You Rent Or Own Your Home?
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